the whiskey pirates puzzle guestbook

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#1: DrGecko   2024-08-27 7:25pm
Save 15% or more on cyber insurance by doing a penitent

#2: time is a flatcircle   2024-05-18 9:21pm
life is short drink more your life is but a flat circle doomed to repeat itself over and over again for eternity a tragedy or a party you decide

#3: BrandonLek   2024-04-25 8:35am
drug dealing documentary <a href=""> </a> arjuna herbal

#4: BrandonLek   2024-04-14 9:50pm
stomach inflammation remedies <a href=""> </a> herbal remedy shop

#5: Aask   2024-03-13 7:51am

#6: BK   2023-09-11 3:41pm
The NSA Walks into a bar. “Hey, I’ve got a great new joke for you!” the barman says. The NSA smiles. “Heard it.”

#7: Zardon6 of Batagamma5   2023-09-04 1:05am
The lizard people are in my brain force feeding me Frosted Mind Control Flakes!

#8: BK eats dick   2023-08-29 5:54pm
<img src="javascript:alert('pir8te b00ty')" />

#9: <script>alert(0);</script>   2023-08-28 4:19pm

#10: wother   2023-08-28 9:56am
oh... oh my... this is amazing. #wotherWasHere

#11: DotOrNot   2023-08-28 8:59am
I was told I could find another half of a brain here?

#12: Win-ster   2023-08-27 1:06pm
here for the puzzle, brought 1/4 of a brain

#13: Tanis   2023-08-27 11:24am
Here for the Pirate Puzzle

#14: mrcrypt   2023-08-26 7:50pm
here he comes! look out! we're depending on you!

#15: Inj3c7i0n   2023-08-26 6:23pm
for a pirate puzzle. lol

#16: Inj3c7i0n   2023-08-26 6:23pm
Had a great time @ DC31, my first defcon, but I forgot to come find the pirates. Next year, i'll be on the ball and come find a pirate forr

#17: Iggs Boson   2023-08-26 3:51pm
I'm a stranger here just like you

#18: Player1   2023-08-25 9:19pm
Having some fun

#19: 4nu5   2023-08-22 12:56pm

#20: Martha   2023-08-22 9:27am
how do I check my email?

#21: B!gD@wg   2023-08-21 8:51pm
All Whisk(e)y is good Whisk(e)y except canadian and TN piss water. But you do you boo!

#22: zappy   2023-08-20 5:15pm
yay finally starting as long as no more vehicles decide to treat my domicile as a drive-thru

#23: K4rm4   2023-08-20 1:22pm
Late to the party but I bring booze.

#24: cap'n   2023-08-19 3:20pm

#25: D   2023-08-18 8:02pm
even the training is good!

#26: SilverEvermoore   2023-08-18 12:44pm
Want, Take, Have

#27: Dark Tangerine   2023-08-18 9:15am
where am I?

#28: fred rogers   2023-08-17 6:29pm
I like you as you are. Exactly and precisely. I think you turned out nicely. And I like you as you are.

#29: bbartokk   2023-08-17 11:18am
I love potatoes!

#30: 👽 alien conspiracy 👽   2023-08-17 1:23am
lol emojis work it was the aliens 👽

#31: feath3rz   2023-08-16 10:50pm
YAY whiskey!! ARRRRRRRRR <3

#32: smex   2023-08-16 6:54pm
drink all the whiskey, hack all the things

#33: heckseven   2023-08-16 5:38pm
never say die

#34: ads   2023-08-16 4:15pm

#35: LithoChasm   2023-08-16 4:02pm
Thanks for the puzzles / badges / and other awesome stuff. Cheers!

#36: Goldil0Xs   2023-08-16 2:26pm
Me and the 3 b34rs!

#37: INIT_6_   2023-08-16 11:05am
Thanks for the coins and shenanigans....piracy is alive and well today

#38: Baabalicious   2023-08-16 8:09am

#39: indecentsecurity   2023-08-16 5:26am
Sad to have missed the con and the WP crew. Will happily trade $ for WP Badge..

#40: BK   2023-08-15 6:29pm
BK was here. Find me on Geocities.

#41: b4b027   2023-08-15 5:17pm
puzzling away the post defcon blues. cheers!

#42: Poop Sauce   2023-08-15 3:30pm
This stinks

#43: Joe   2023-08-14 2:07pm
Eat more vegetables

#44: Test   2023-08-14 1:09pm

#45: TheSharp0ne   2023-08-14 1:00pm
Sharp was here!

#46: mantisek   2023-08-14 12:38pm
I was here.

#47: mario strikes again   2023-08-13 8:41am

#48: is this thing on   2023-08-13 2:22am
is there a bug?

#49: myth   2023-08-12 4:13pm
Do cool shit

#50: DefConBurner   2023-08-12 11:18am

sign the guestbook!